Tuesday, June 22, 2010

11 Months 6/16/10

Standing Tall
"Kee Ka!" Avery is very into this kitty cat from Uncle Kyle. Her face lights up when she sees it and she says something that somewhat resembles kitty cat.

Soo Big!
At eleven months Avery seems to be growing and advancing so quickly. It seemed like it took her forever to crawl forward but now that she's mastered that she's going great guns. She's pulling herself up on everything and cruising around the living room. She has not mastered getting down though so it's either fall and then cry or cry until someone comes to get you down. Avery loves to babble and she literally loves talking to her hands. :-) Now that she is mobile she is not as interested in her toys...she'd rather crawl to wherever we are and get right under our feet. Avery has taken a few steps toward me but I'd in no way say she's walking yet. She loves clapping her hands and uses that as a way of communicating, "I like that!" "I want more!" "Keep doing that!" In the last month she's also gotten more cuddley and we are loving every minute of it. We've been to our neighborhood pool several times and Avery loves the water! We're hoping to head to the beach this summer too so we'll see how she likes sand and salt water.

1 comment:

  1. Loved all the pictures & the video. Of course she's walking!!!! Can't wait to see you & have everyone at conventions. Love ya lots & miss you. Avery, get ready for Grandma to love you up:)
