Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home, Home, Home!

We are home! We finally got approval late Tuesday afternoon, and we made the 12 hour trip on Wednesday. We pulled into our driveway about 7PM, and found all kinds of baby girl decorations all over the house- thanks Summervilles! It was a great welcome home.

Avery was really good during the journey, but its obvious that she is as glad as her parents to be home. We spent most of today catching up around the house, unpacking, settling Avery in, etc. We had a bunch of friends visit throughout the day, and they all loved Avery up, and agreed that she is truly the most perfect baby in the history of humanity. Now we can start raising our Southern Belle in earnest.

We promise to get a lot of pictures online soon, but that will have to wait until tomorrow, I think. Thanks for all your well wishes and thoughts.


  1. I'm so glad that all went well and that you're home now!! Enjoy getting settled in!! :)

  2. You do know it is pure torture waiting for more pics of Avery when we are so far away!! I know you are busy though so will try to be more patient:) Can't wait to hold her!!!

  3. Such cute pics on your webshots! So glad your home with Avery! Can't wait till we meet her!

  4. glad you're home...and getting settled...from the sound of things, parenthood suits you both well! love the "cutest baby in the history of humanity"...;0) SO happy for u!:0)
