We say this at every "monthly milestone, " but it's hard to believe that Avery is six months already...half a year! Here are some things Avery is doing at six months:
*Smiling and giggling, as usual
*Rolling over once in a while...first time was Dec. 4th, but since then she has rolled exactly 6 times...that big belly...
*Holds her own bottle
*Resisting naptime...afraid she'll miss something
*Eating some solids...cereal, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas. She's not as much of a fan of solids as we thought she'd be...we've tried bananas and applesauce but they actually made her gag! I have found that she opens her mouth a lot bigger when she has one hand on the spoon.
*Sitting up on her own for a few seconds but still prefers the support of the Boppy.
*Beginning to hold her arms out when she wants to be picked up
*Dancing with Daddy to "Dancing Queen"
We fly to St. Louis this week to finalize her adoption! We love our baby girl so much and can't imagine life without her!